Engaging With the Next Generation of Engineers

The next generation of engineering will be defined by optimizing SW-HW integration

The next generation of engineering will be defined by optimizing SW-HW integration  

Almost everywhere you look, there is pressure for technology to constantly evolve and innovate—homes, offices, and even factories are trending smarter. At the root of this is the desire for the environments in which we spend most of our time to exhibit more ambient intelligence (AmI).

To a great extent, the responsibility to build this smarter future will fall to the architects, developers, and engineers who bring new ideas to life. Of course, this is not a new role for engineers. In fact, the increased utilization of electronics is responsible for many of the technological advancements over the past few decades. However, the next generation of engineers grew up during the computing age and are bringing a new perspective, grounded on the importance of software and how to best integrate it with hardware.

How the Engineering Profession is Evolving

This definition of an engineer has gradually changed. Today, each aspect of PCBA development is more complex. Although PCBA design, manufacturing, and, in many cases, testing may all be performed by different engineers (for example, outsourcing fabrication and assembly is standard), the overall process is more integrated and efficient. PCBA designers today and the next generation of engineers are expected to understand how manufacturing and testing integrate with design and be proficient with the software tools that enable this integration.


Development Stage

Impact of Software


Computer-aided design or CAD is not new; however, the capabilities and functionalities of electronic CAD design tools are ever-increasing. ECAD packages today are developed to accept and utilize CM equipment specifications and tolerances during design, which greatly improve prototyping turnaround times and PCBA yield rates. 


Many aspects of PCBA manufacturing are automated. Therefore, accurate CAD models and design specifications are essential  to the success of the electronics development process.  The best ECAD tools effectively allow engineers to ensure manufacturability and DFM adherence during design. 


Validation, whether by functionality testing or some other criteria is the gauge by which development is measured. Advanced ECAD tools allow designers to perform tests; such as thermal analysis, signal integrity analysis and other verification evaluations prior to manufacturing, which can significantly reduce the time necessary for board bring up.

As described above, each of the three primary stages of electronic system development, has been transformed by a more software-centric engineering approach. This integration has lead to substantial improvements in speed and quality of the board development process.

Today, engineers routinely incorporate DFM and DFA rules guidelines derived from the equipment and machinery capabilities from the CM’s that build the physical manifestation of the design. Additionally, some design programs can test operation and functionality before manufacturing, and software testing programs are employed to identify errors and flaws that enable corrective action to be taken during design; instead of downstream which can increase turnaround time and increase costs. Equipped with these advanced ECAD capabilities, the next generation of engineers will successfully address the more challenging PCBA design issues that the future will undoubtedly generate.

How to Best Connect With the Next Generation of Engineers

To meet future challenges, the next generation of engineers will need to have the requisite technical skills, including theoretical and application experience, as well as guidance to maximize the ECAD tools available. Traditionally, educational institutions, professional societies, and OJT have been responsible for training and supporting engineers. These will continue to be utilized; however, most practicing future engineers will be more comfortable in cyberspace than in a library and more likely to look online for PCBA design answers than in a journal. Connecting with these essential professionals will necessitate that you follow guidelines, as shown below, to meet them in their preferred environment.

Effectively Connecting with the Next Generation of Engineers

  • Seek to understand how engineers think
    The first key to engaging successfully with engineers, including those new to the industry, is to understand how engineers think. For example, engineers are typically multitaskers who approach problems from a modular perspective. Your outreach should mirror this attribute. Communicating with engineers must never be done through a “one-size-fits-all” lens.
  • Understand the engineering impact
    The proliferation of concepts like IoT in virtually all business sectors means the work engineers do is impactful across the economy. Therefore, you should assume engineers are well aware of this when engaging with them. Engage engineers actively and speak to what these professionals can accomplish and the critical roles they could play in your venture’s future. Engineering centers around what could be and making that possible. Remembering and reiterating this essential facet will underscore to engineers that you respect their work and their impact on your industry.
  • Speak the language
    Nothing impresses an engineer more than when someone outside their wheelhouse can speak to them in their language. Therefore, it is good to do a little research to ensure you are using correct and current terminology. Regardless of your experience level, it would be best to keep up with the fundamentals and the latest developments.
  • Establish and maintain a social media presence
    The next generation of engineers looks to their smartphones, laptops, and desktops for everything. This includes information, data, and sources for tips, guidelines, and references that affect their day-to-day work. Posting to social media, presenting podcasts, and webinars puts you in front of this young audience. Keeping that audience requires active posting and a good ear for upcoming trends within the industry and the social media platforms you use. Use all the available resources: hashtags, live streams, stories, and new features to ensure your audience tunes into your content. Social media could be your key to becoming a more visible thought leader within the industry.
  • Provide relevant information
    Lastly, remember time is a valuable commodity, and these professionals will want to optimize theirs.  You will gain their trust by being succinct but informative. When generating content, keep it simple. While it may be tempting to deep dive into the complex and gritty details, you might risk intimidating your audience or catering just to a small niche. Instead, cast a wide net through digestible content that gets to the heart of the questions you seek to answer. Become a reliable source of relevant information, and people will come to trust you and your content.

By following the guidelines above, manufacturers can engage and establish meaningful and lasting relationships that can be leveraged to introduce new products or services to up-and-coming engineers.

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