List of IC Manufacturer Codes

A microchip containing an integrated circuit.
A microchip containing an integrated circuit.

Integrated circuits (ICs) come in many variants and are available from many manufacturers. ICs with similar functions can look very different, while ICs with different functions can look similar. The internal structure and mechanical tolerances of ICs can also be quite varied, and choosing the wrong IC can be detrimental to an electronic design. Engineers and designers need a clear way to differentiate between ICs for their projects. IC manufacturer codes give designers this information, allowing them to be confident in their component choices.

What Are IC Manufacturer Codes?

IC manufacturer codes are identifying codes placed on integrated circuits by electronics manufacturers. They are usually alphanumeric and can have different lengths depending on a manufacturer’s standard operating procedures. Although IC manufacturer codes are meant to be unique, this is rarely the case. 

Many electronics manufacturers use the same manufacturer prefixes, and multiple standards exist for codes, depending on the region of the world a company resides in. Knowing the proper code for a component is vital to selecting the right parts for a project and finding reference datasheets. Designers may need to be aware of multiple manufacturer code standards, especially if a company has international ties. Manufacturer codes encompass internal hardware identification and human-readable identifiers like component numbers.

Different IC coding standards provide varying amounts of detail concerning a component. Some IC manufacturer codes describe the materials a component is made of, while others contain serial numbers. Nearly all IC manufacturer codes describe a component’s type, such as a diode or transistor. Codes may also be specific with component subtypes, such as a signal diode or an avalanche diode. Depending on the coding scheme, two similar components may have significantly different codes. Manufacturers supplying international markets may also need to assign multiple codes to the same component, depending on the region and the expectations of their markets.

There are 3 major coding schemes for ICs. Each scheme originates from a different region of the world. Europe identifies electronic components with a coding scheme maintained by the European Electronic Component Manufacturers Association. This method of identifying ICs has been used in Europe in various forms since the 1930s. Japan also has its own scheme, called the Japanese Industrial Standards part numbering scheme, or JIS-C-7012. North America’s IC manufacturer code standards are maintained by the Joint Electron Device Engineering Council, or JEDEC, since 1944. This article focuses on the JEDEC standards when interpreting codes, but each region has published highly detailed standards.

How Can Engineers Interpret IC Manufacturer Codes?

JEDEC standards for internal hardware IC manufacturer codes mandate that each code must contain one or more eight-bit fields, translated into hex, for indexing and reference. The current standard provides for up to 13 fields. Companies must register their manufacturer codes with JEDEC to be compliant with their standards. The JEDEC standards are open-source and contain an extensive list of hex codes for various companies. Some companies have much more detailed internal hardware codes than others and those codes are constantly updated to reflect industry changes.

Naming conventions for JEDEC component numbers are based on a standard created in 1982 and reaffirmed multiple times in the ensuing years. Each individual digit and letter within a component number is significant. The first digit describes the component type, followed by a letter describing whether or not the component has been formally registered. All numbers after the first two follow a specific schema based on the type of component, and the number may also include letter suffixes identifying the component version. 

The type of IC manufacturer code most commonly encountered is the manufacturer prefix, followed by a serial number. These are standardized only within a manufacturer, but still may be useful if a designer can be sure of their supplier options. It is relatively simple to use a component search engine to find JEDEC codes, and engineers should refer to curated coding standards rather than specific manufacturer codes whenever possible.

An integrated circuit.
An integrated circuit.

What Are Common IC Manufacturer Codes?

The following list of manufacturer prefixes is taken from WikiBooks. This is not an exhaustive list but it gives a good overview of the prefixes electronics designers will see most often. Since full IC manufacturer codes are specific to parts and companies, the most common codes in design change often.

Abbreviation Manufacturer Abbreviation Manufacturer
AM Advanced Micro Devices A National Semiconductor
AMSREF Advanced Monolithic Systems ADC National Semiconductor
OM AEG CLC National Semiconductor
PCD AEG COP National Semiconductor
PCF AEG DAC National Semiconductor
SAA AEG DM National Semiconductor
SAB AEG DP National Semiconductor
SAF AEG DS National Semiconductor
SCB AEG F National Semiconductor
SCN AEG L National Semiconductor
TAA AEG LF National Semiconductor
TBA AEG LFT National Semiconductor
TCA AEG LH National Semiconductor
TEA AEG LM National Semiconductor
A Allegro Microsystems LMC National Semiconductor
STR Allegro Microsystems LMD National Semiconductor
UCN Allegro Microsystems LMF National Semiconductor
UDN Allegro Microsystems LMX National Semiconductor
UDS Allegro Microsystems LPC National Semiconductor
UGN Allegro Microsystems LPC National Semiconductor
EP Altera MF National Semiconductor
EPM Altera MM National Semiconductor
PL Altera NH National Semiconductor
A AMD UNX National Semiconductor
OM Amperex UPD NEC
PCD Amperex UPD8 NEC
PCF Amperex NJM New Japanese Radio Corp.
SAA Amperex NSC Newport
SAB Amperex SM Nippon Precision Circuits
SAF Amperex NC Nitron
SCB Amperex MM Oki
SCN Amperex MSM Oki
TAA Amperex MC ON Semiconductor
TBA Amperex EF ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
TCA Amperex ET ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
TEA Amperex GSD ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
V Amtel HCF ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
AD Analog Devices L ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
ADEL Analog Devices LM ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
ADG Analog Devices LS ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
ADLH Analog Devices M ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
ADM Analog Devices MC ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
ADVFC Analog Devices MK ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
AMP Analog Devices OM ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
BUF Analog Devices PCD ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
CAV Analog Devices PCF ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
CMP Analog Devices SAA ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
DAC Analog Devices SAB ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
HAS Analog Devices SAF ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
HDM Analog Devices SCB ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
MUX Analog Devices SCN ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
OP Analog Devices SFC ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
PM Analog Devices SG ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
REF Analog Devices ST ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
SSM Analog Devices TAA ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
SW Analog Devices TBA ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
MA Analog Systems TCA ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
PA Apex TD ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
AT Atmel TDA ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
ATV Atmel TDF ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
BQ Benchmarq Microelectronics Inc. TEA ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
BT Brooktree TL ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
ADS Burr-Brown TS ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
ALD Burr-Brown TSH ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
BUF Burr-Brown UC ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
DAC Burr-Brown ULN ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)
DCP Burr-Brown AVS ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson))
INA Burr-Brown OHN Optek
IS Burr-Brown AH Optical Electronics Inc.
ISO Burr-Brown AN Panasonic
IVC Burr-Brown PDM Paradigm
MPC Burr-Brown P Performance Semiconductor
MPY Burr-Brown HEF Philips
OPA Burr-Brown MAB Philips
OPT Burr-Brown N Philips
PCM Burr-Brown NE Philips
PGA Burr-Brown OM Philips
PWR Burr-Brown PC Philips
RCV Burr-Brown PCD Philips
REF Burr-Brown PCF Philips
REG Burr-Brown PLC Philips
SHC Burr-Brown PLS Philips
UAF Burr-Brown PZ Philips
VCA Burr-Brown S Philips
VFC Burr-Brown SA Philips
XTR Burr-Brown SAA Philips
G California Micro Devices Corp. SAB Philips
CLC Comlinear SAF Philips
CY Cypress SC Philips
PALCE Cypress SCB Philips
DS Dallas Semiconductor SCC Philips
AM Datel SCN Philips
RD EG&G Reticon SE Philips
RF EG&G Reticon SP Philips
RM EG&G Reticon TAA Philips
RT EG&G Reticon TBA Philips
RU EG&G Reticon TCA Philips
EL Elantec TDA Philips
RTC Epson TEA Philips
PBL Ericsson UA Philips
XR Exar MN Plessy
A Fairchild SL Plessy
DM Fairchild SP Plessy
F Fairchild TAB Plessy
L Fairchild BUF Precision Monolithic
MM Fairchild QS Quality Semiconductor Inc.
NM Fairchild R Raytheon
NMC Fairchild Ray Raytheon
UNX Fairchild RC Raytheon
FSS Ferranti RM Raytheon
ZLD Ferranti R Rockwell
ZN Ferranti KA Samsung
MB Fujitsu KM Samsung
MBL8 Fujitsu KMM Samsung
MBM Fujitsu LA Sanyo
GA Gazelle LC Sanyo
MVA GEC-Plessey Semiconductor PQ Seeq
ZN GEC-Plessey Semiconductor RTC Seiko
ACF General Instrument IR Sharp
AY General Instrument OM Siemens
GIC General Instrument PCD Siemens
GP General Instrument PCF Siemens
SPR General Instrument SAA Siemens
GL Goldstar SAB Siemens
GM Goldstar SABE Siemens
GMM Goldstar SAF Siemens
AD Harris SCB Siemens
CA Harris SCN Siemens
CD Harris TAA Siemens
CDP Harris TBA Siemens
CP Harris TCA Siemens
H Harris TEA Siemens
HA Harris SG Silicon General (Infinity Micro)
HFA Harris PH Silicon Storage Technology
HI Harris DF Siliconix
HIN Harris L Siliconix
HIP Harris LD Siliconix
HV Harris D Siliconix, Intel
ICH Harris L Siltronics
ICL Harris LD Siltronics
ICM Harris BX Sony
IM Harris CXK Sony
CS Harris, Cherry Semiconductor CX Sony, Cyrix
DG Harris, Temic TPQ Sprague
HCPL Hewlett-Packard UCS Sprague
HCTL Hewlett-Packard COM Standard Microsystem Corp.
HPM Hewlett-Packard KR Standard Microsystem Corp.
HA Hitachi ST Startech
HD Hitachi CM Supertex, Temic
HG Hitachi SYD Syntaq
HL Hitachi SYS Syntaq
HM Hitachi TMC Taytheon
HN Hitachi TC Telcom Semiconductor
HT Holtek TCM Telcom Semiconductor
HAD Honeywell TP Teledyne Philbrick
HDAC Honeywell TSC Teledyne Semiconductor
SS Honeywell OM Telefunken
HY Hyundai PCD Telefunken
W IC Works PCF Telefunken
PEEL Information Chips and Technology Inc. SAA Telefunken
ISD Information Strorage Devices SAB Telefunken
IMS Inmos SAF Telefunken
IDT Integrated Device Technology SCB Telefunken
IS Integrated Silicon Solutions Inc. SCN Telefunken
C Intel TAA Telefunken
i Intel TBA Telefunken
I Intel TCA Telefunken
N Intel TEA Telefunken
P Intel TML Telmos
PA Intel HM Temic
IR International Rectifier MC Temic
GAL Lattice S Temic
ISPLSI Lattice SD Temic
LT Linear Technology Corporation SI Temic
LTC Linear Technology Corporation U Temic
LTZ Linear Technology Corporation IP Temic, Seagate Microelectronics
LS LSI Computer Systems MA TESLA
ATT Lucent Technologies MAA TESLA
MSK M. S. Kennedy MH TESLA
MA Marconi MC Texas Instruments
MAX Maxim NE Texas Instruments
MX Maxim OP Texas Instruments
SI Maxim RC Texas Instruments
MC Micra Hybrids SG Texas Instruments
MIC Micrel SN Texas Instruments
ML Micro Linear Corp. TIBPAL Texas Instruments
MN Micro Networks TIL Texas Instruments
MP Micro Power (Exar) TIP Texas Instruments
PIC Microchip TIPAL Texas Instruments
MSC Microcomputers Systems Components TIS Texas Instruments
MIL Microsystems International TL Texas Instruments
MT Mitel Semiconductor TLC Texas Instruments
M Mitsubishi TLE Texas Instruments
MSL8 Mitsubishi TM Texas Instruments
CMP Monolithics TMS Texas Instruments
MAT Monolithics UA Texas Instruments
OP Monolithics ULN Texas Instruments
SSS Monolithics T Toshiba
MCS MOS Technology TA Toshiba
MK Mostek TC Toshiba
HEP Motorola TD Toshiba
LF Motorola THM Toshiba
MC Motorola TMM Toshiba
MCC Motorola TMP Toshiba
MCCS Motorola TMPZ Toshiba
MCM Motorola TDC TRW
MCT Motorola UM United Microelectronics Corp.
MEC Motorola L Unitrode
MM Motorola UC Unitrode
MPF Motorola UCC Unitrode
MPQ Motorola ULN US Microchip
MPS Motorola MACH Vantis (AMD)
MPSA Motorola PALCE Vantis (AMD)
MWM Motorola VT VLSI Technology Inc.
SG Motorola VA VTC
SN Motorola VC VTC
TDA Motorola PSD Waferscale Integration inc. (WSI)
TL Motorola WD Western Digital
UA Motorola X Xicor
UAA Motorola U Zentrum Microelectronics
UC Motorola UD Zentrum Microelectronics
ULN Motorola ZH Zetex
XC Motorola ZLDO Zetex
ZM Zetex
ZMR Zetex
ZR Zetex
ZRA Zetex
ZRB Zetex
ZREF Zetex
ZRT Zetex
ZSD Zetex
ZSM Zetex
Z Zilog

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